Information on Food Deserts
What are Food Deserts?
Food deserts are described as specific areas that have few nutritious food options, especially related to vegetables and fruits. These areas tend to have more fast-food chains such as McDonald's or Burger King.
The fast food options are normally more affordable and easier to access for people living in these areas. When comparing these two options, it's easier for families to purchase fast food for dinner. It's easier to get to and it costs less.
What are the effects of food deserts?
The overconsumption of fast food can be detrimental to one's health. With the increase in the consumption of fast food, also comes an increase in one's BMI. Health issues such as obesity, diabetes, or heart issues can occur when a person is constantly eating processed, unhealthy food.
Frequently asked questions
Who are the most affected by food desert?
Low-income residents are the most affected since most of the time, they live in underserved or rural areas, which have limited access to supermarkets compared to wealthier neighborhoods. This disadvantaged population has to travel further to find healthy food options, and it is more difficult to access it if there is an absence of transportation.
How would not having a grocery store near your home affect you?
A trip to a grocery store presents a significant transportation challenge. This means that people who do not have their own vehicle and/or do not have access to public transportation are more likely to not have access to healthy food. Which is, why many of these inhabitants who live in food deserts prefer to eat fast food that offers a more affordable variety of foods.
What people living in the food desert eat?
People living in food deserts may depend more on food retailers or fast food restaurants. Without access to nutritious foods, people living in food deserts often have diets that are high in calories and low in nutritional value. This can contribute to diet-related conditions, notably high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, and other serious health consequences.
Why might healthy, affordable food be difficult to obtain in certain areas?
Mostly, supermarkets are established in the central areas of cities. So not only is fresh food hard to come by in food deserts, but it is often more expensive than a neighborhood with more options for buying food. The price is almost double for the same foods.
How does living in a Food Desert affect a person/family’s food choices?
For people who live in food deserts, it can be difficult to find traditional foods from their culture. Dietary restrictions limit the options available to people without access to larger supermarkets with a greater variety of products.